Barrier-Free Cities 2016
Barrier Free Cities 2016
On 27th June 2016 Czech Blind United (SONS) gave a 90 minute presentation called „Adaptations for Visually Impaired Person“ at 14th meeting of Barrier free cities for all a working group of Eurocities a network of major european cities. The presentation was followed by „sightseeing tour over Prague adaptations“, a 2 hour on-site demonstration of many of the features described within the presentation. Below you may download the Powerpoint presentation, A3 posterswith adaptation examples, map and complete description of the sightseeing tour as well as other relevant supportive documents referred to during the presentation.
What you will find
The presentation focused on adaptations for the visually impaired people, that is for people, who are either partially sighted or blind. A short intro on visual impairment was followed by adaptations of the external or internal environment, complemented by notes on accessibility of the machines and the digital world. the Czech system of so-called „Transmitter for the Blind“ controlling Czech acoustic features was demonstrated and described. This system is regarded by many experts as a best practice and as a best solution currently available. Many other best practices were described during a separate section focused on best practices on one side and on troubles, issues and threats on the other.
Adaptations for the Visually impaired Person
Powerpoint prezentace (1,4 MB) - Presentation_for_Barrier-Free_Cities_2016.ppt (ppt; 1 MB)
Transcript of the speech given during the presentation - Word document (77 kB) - Speech transcription for the SONS presentation.doc (doc; 69 KB)
Sightseeing tour over Czech environment adaptations, a zip file with text description, a map of the route and pictures of each feature taken in advance.
- downsized to 800x1200 pixels (18 MB) - sightseeing_tour_pictures_downsized_to_800x1200_(18_MB).zip (zip; 18 MB)
- A3 posters demonstrating selected adaptations, which were supporting our presentation: Posters_with_Environment_adaptations_examples (zip; 6 MB)
Recorded messages played as responses during demonstration of the Transmitter for the Blind together with a short text description:
zip archive (693 kB) - (zip; 693 KB)
A 2008 (yet still well up-to-date) paper concisely describing Czech system of tactile and acoustic environment adaptations supporting safe and independent mobility of the visually impaired persons:
Word file (59 kB) - Environment_Adaptations_to_Support_Independent_and_Safe_Mobility_of_the_VI_people_in_the_Czech_Republic_(2008) (doc; 59 KB)
European Blind Union position paper on the European Accessibility Act from February 2016:
Word file (175 kB) - EUAA_consultation_response_European_Blind_Union_FINA (doc; 175 KB)